
Youth Goodwill Ambassador Interview

On September 26th, I received an e-mail from Head of Secretariat of Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassador Corps. It’s a friendly reminder of the interview in the afternoon. I knew this will be a turning point during my stay in Denmark. The introduction meeting was held in International Center. It started at 5:30. The coordinators gave us a brief introduction to this program about the goals and functions of this programs. Later, we saw some videos and works from previous goodwill ambassadors. Personally, I was more attracted after the introduction to the program. Finally, we were divided into three groups to discuss on a case. The case was about how would you promote Denmark as a study destination supposed that you were a Youth Goodwill ambassador. Our group finally chosed China my home country as the promotion country since Denmark is a new study destination to Chinese students and there are huge markets for Danish universities. A German student and I were chosen as the representatives of our group to give a presentation on the promotion of Denmark in China. We cooperated quite well and focused on details of location, ways of promotion and potential cooperation and partnership.

The introduction meeting end at 8. I really enjoyed the experience during the meeting. Not only because I met a lot of new friends,  but also I had more to expect in my stay in Denmark. I had confidence that I will be admitted to this program. I am totally prepared to receive the challenge.

